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Creating a positive impact on humanity

About Us

Tech4Humans is a podcast hosted by Rahat Chowdhury and Hasibul Chowdhury. (The last names are a coincidence among best friends) Tech4humans aims to be a platform to showcase the positive impacts that tech can have on humanity. We focus on highlighting projects and individuals who are working towards making this impact.

Some of our guests have done work to help marginalized people, raise awareness about mental health in tech, or share inspiring stories and help others break into the tech industry. We would love to have you on as a guest if you work in tech and are doing something positive, you can contact us using this form if you are interested.

Rahat Chowdhury Profile picture

Rahat Chowdhury

Rahat is a second career developer who comes from a background in customer support management. In 2019 after completing a bootcamp, Rahat became a software engineer at American Express. He is a mental health advocate, live coding streamer, and rapper. Rahat currently spends some of his free time mentoring new developers, coding and making music.

Hasibul Chowdhury Profile picture

Hasibul Chowdhury

Hasibul is an IT geek turned developer. He recently completed a bootcamp and loves drag and drop web development. Hasibul currently spends his time getting his daughter to love technology in addition to her Frozen dolls.